

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a tooth shaped cap which is placed over a tooth which has undergone root canal treatment or to replace a missing tooth or to protect a grossly decayed tooth.

Will the crown be permanently fixed to the teeth?

Yes, crown will be permanently fixed to the tooth using dental cement.

How much time does it take to place a crown?

Usually it takes minimum of 3 days, but in some cases it may take 5-7 days. It depends upon the number and position of the teeth to be crowned.

How long will crowns last?

Average life span of a crown is more than 15 years. But this depends upon how you maintain your oral health.

What all can I eat when I’m having a crown?

You can eat all kinds of food items.

Are crowns compulsory for root canal treated teeth?

Yes, crowns are compulsory for almost all root canal treated teeth, as they are more likely to undergo fracture. There are only a few exceptions.

Are there any chances for a dental crown to come off?

Yes, there is always a chance for a dental crown to dislodge especially while having sticky foods.

What should we do when the crown comes off?

If the crown has come off intact, without any fracture, the same crown can be refixed to the tooth.

What is the best material for a dental crown?

Material selection is based upon the requirement and aesthetics
Types of dental crowns
1. Full acrylic crown
2. Full metal crown
3. Facing Ceramic crown
4. Full ceramic crown
5. All ceramic crown
If you need a temporary crown just for a week or a month you can go for Acrylic crowns

Does a crowned tooth require special care?

No, all you have to do is maintain your oral hygiene. Do your teeth cleaning once in 6 months

Cost of a dental crown?

Generally, crowns can range in cost from 1000 to 6000 or more per crown