
Non Surgical & Surgical Extractions

How do dentists remove teeth?

Usually, dentists remove teeth painlessly under Local Anaesthesia (LA) using dental instruments. In some cases, dental extractions are done under General Anaesthesia (GA) also.

When do we do dental extractions?

Dental Extractions are usually done for
> Teeth that can’t be saved through fillings or root canal treatments(RCT).
> Teeth that are grossly decayed (GD).
> Teeth which has only root structure remaining.
> For orthodontic treatments.
> Abnormally aligned teeth.

Are dental extractions painful?

All dental extractions are minor surgical procedures. To make this procedure painless, the dentist gives local anaesthesia. As in any surgical procedure, dental extractions can also cause mild postoperative discomfort.

When do we remove a tooth surgically?

Teeth that are partially or completely inside the bone and teeth that are severely damaged may have to be removed surgically.

Can dental extractions be done in patients with systemic diseases?

Yes, we can do dental extractions in patients with systemic diseases after taking the consent of a physician or concerned specialist, with some special care.
> Cardiac Patients - usually cardiac patients will be under anticoagulant drugs. So they may have to stop that medications for few days.
> Kidney disorder - the procedure will be carried out under minimum or no pain killers
> Diabetic Mellitus - patients have to make sure that the FBS and PPBS levels are within the limit, prior to the procedure.

What all complications can happen during extractions?

> Postoperative pain.
> Bleeding.
> Swelling and rarely Hematoma.
> Difficulty in opening the mouth due to muscle spasm.
> Dry socket.
These are some of the complications that can happen during dental extractions and can be managed in the the dental clinic itself.

Is it necessary to replace the extracted teeth?

Yes, it is mandatory to replace an extracted tooth, except a wisdom tooth. If we fail to replace the extracted tooth, the nearby teeth can move to that vacant space, which may lead to spacing in between adjacent teeth. And later on, it can lead to food impaction and caries.